Pusat Pekerjaan Brunei (Job Centre Brunei)

Pusat Pekerjaan Brunei (Job Centre Brunei) officially began their operations on 11th January 2017 and is open to all local jobseekers and companies. PPB is a key enabler in the manpower system who strives to be a "Your Career Centre" where local jobseekers may utilize available services to help improve their employability and marketability in the job market and where private companies may use its facilities for their local recruitment process.
Business Reporting

An initiative introduced by Industry and Business Ecosystem, Ministry of Finance with Department of Economic Planning & Statistics (JPES), E-Government National Centre and Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) with support from other Government agencies to streamline all business data collection from various government systems.

Companies’ information recorded in various government repository systems are interlinked with the Business Reporting (BR). All companies are required to submit their business data & performance report through the BR portal. Companies are also highly encouraged to update their data on the BR portal either every end of the month or as per advised by the relevant government agencies following the company’s business sector.

Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) is the national SME body that was established to support local businesses in Brunei Darussalam.
Labour Force Survey

Brunei Darussalam’s labor market data is measured through the Labor Force Survey (LFS) conducted by the Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (DEPS), Ministry of Finance and Economy. The LFS was initially conducted every 5 years, however starting 2017, the LFS has been improvised and reported on a yearly basis.

The LFS summary report encapsulates the latest information on the size, structure, distribution and characteristics of the labour force, employment, unemployment and other economic characteristics of the population. One of the purposes of the LFS is to assist in the planning, research, policy-making and management concerning the labour force in the country.
Tabung Amanah Pekerja (TAP)

Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) is the national SME body that was established to support local businesses in Brunei Darussalam.