Who is MISC?

A committee which links industry, regulators and educational and trainman institutions with the objective to align and meet the demand of industries with the right supply, at the right time.

The Manpower Industry Steering Committee (MISC) was established under the Pejabat Perancangan Tenaga Manusia (PPTM) at the Prime Minister’s Office. The establishment of the committee supports the MPTMP’s vision to have an effective manpower planning that is aligned to employability and employment, by focusing on gainful and sustainable jobs towards reducing unemployment in Brunei Darussalam.

The committee acts as an advisory and steering body that links industry, regulators and educational and training institutions with the objective to align and meet the demand of industries with the right supply, at the right time. Moreover, the committee also serves as a support for the academic and training institutions to review their curriculum and coordinate accordingly. The three (3) components that makes up the MISC are as follows:

Establishment of the MISCYesYesAttachment
Component of the MISCYesYes

Focuses on the type and number of jobs demanded by the MISC sectors

Identify the critical occupation that is demanded by the industry
Component of the MISCNoYesfa-map

Works with industry to co-develop curriculum and program that aligns with the industry’s standard and requirement

To propose a National Competency Framework (NCF) in alignment to the industry requirements

Component of the MISCNoYesfa-map

Approve standards and accredits programs and courts that is endorsed by the Manpower Industry Steering Committee

Component of the MISCNoYesfa-map
At the moment the MISC focuses on 5 industrial sectors which are:

MISC focusesYesYes
MISC focusesNoYesfa-lightbulbAttachmentEnergy
MISC focusesNoYesfa-toolsAttachmentconstruction
MISC focusesNoYesfa-anchorAttachmentMarine
MISC focusesNoYesfa-concierge-bellAttachmentHospitality
MISC focusesNoYesfa-laptopAttachmentICT